Monday, November 7, 2011


We always enjoy Halloween!  Here are some of the things we did:

We went to Rowley's Red Barn to get pumpkins.  We had never been there before, but we had heard it was fun. We went on a hayride out to the pumpkin patch to choose our pumpkins.  They also had an apple bin maze for the kids.  Just a warning: if you go after dark, take a flashlight.  We assumed there would be some sort of lighting at the pumpkin patch, but there isn't.  So, Benjamin was wandering around in this huge pumpkin patch and would exclaim every few minutes, "Hey, I found a pumpkin over here!"  He sounded like he was looking for Easter eggs.  Luckily, lots of other people there had flashlights, and we borrowed one so that we could choose some decent-looking pumpkins.

We carved the pumpkins a few days before Halloween.

And here we are on Halloween, all dressed up for trick or treating.  Last year, we probably only got about 60 trick or treaters because the weather was stormy. We had over 200 trick or treaters this year, and we nearly ran out of candy! 

Benjamin was a ninja.

Daniel refused to be anything "cute, gross, scary, or a profession."  So, we made him into I-15.

Wayne wasn't as excited about dressing up this year, so he pulled out his Perry the platypus shirt.

On the other hand, I like dressing up in elaborate costumes.  And all of the little girls oohing and ahhing over my costume when they came trick or treating made me happy.


  1. Wow! Didn't you look beautiful, Teresa!!! You were "lucky" to get so many trick-or-treaters; for some reason we got very few this year. The pumpkin patch looked fun, too. You should have shown your darling Barkchip (sp) in his costume, too!!!! It looks like a very happy Halloween for your family!

  2. Teresa- your cotume was fantastic (as always, and I LOVED Daniels!!!

  3. I love your costume, Teresa!!! Nice touch with the frying pan! Shoulda come to your house; Waverly would have been ecstatic. Love Daniel's costume, but there are not nearly enough orange cones on his I15:) We love pumpkin patches too.


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