Monday, October 11, 2010

Fun Field Trips

I love helping out at the elementary school!  I've spent a lot of time over at the school this year since I don't have to get a babysitter or anything to be able to go.  I was also able to go on both of my boys' field trips in the past couple of weeks.  First, I went with Daniel's class on a hike up Provo Canyon, past Bridal Veil Falls.  We had lunch at a park at the end of the hike.  Then we went on the bus to the BYU Bean Museum.

Daniel and his friend Matthew eating lunch at the park.
Daniel looking at the insects at the Bean Museum   

Benjamin and I went on his first grade field trip to Pumpkinland.  We also rode the bus--which is always a big deal to my kids since they don't ride the bus to school.  We went through a corn maze, saw some animals (goats, rabbits, etc.), and played on the playgrounds.  After choosing a pumpkin to take home, we rode the bus to a large park with picnic tables where we ate lunch.  Then the kids played on the playground there, too.

Benjamin had a great time, just in case you couldn't tell!

1 comment:

  1. That's fun you get to do that! I dream of teh day when I can be more involved with my kids at school. You get to see a side of them that you don't see at home.


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