Monday, October 11, 2010

BYU Homecoming Parade

Yep, we were in the parade again.  Daniel and Benjamin LOVE being in parades.  The weather was nice.  The kids enjoyed walking around to see all of the other floats before the parade started.

Daniel thought it was pretty cool to see the motorized couches that were in the parade.  A couple of BYU students made them, and they were all over the news a few months ago when BYU banned them from driving the couches on campus.  Nicholas Homer, one of the inventors, was nice enough to let Daniel take a spin with him. 


  1. Hey Daniel,
    I want to ride the motorized couch with you! It looks like you boys and your Mom have been having so much fun!!!!!!!!

  2. I wish I could ride on a motorized couch like Daniel. Cool!


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