Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Party Animal!

Benjamin LOVES parties!  He has been talking about his birthday for MONTHS.  But when it came right down to it, he had a really hard time deciding what he wanted to do for his party.  As he said, "There are so many fun choices!"  Among the possibilities were Chuck E. Cheese, Pirate Island, and Jumpin' Jacks.  Finally, last week Benjamin decided it had to be Jumpin' Jacks.  Jumpin' Jacks is one of those places with inflatable slides and bounce houses to play on.  We took several of his friends from school (and Daniel and two cousins) with us.

Here's the biggest slide they've got:

One of the best parts (for me) was having chocolate cake there, and then being able to just walk away from all of the crumbs ground into the floor.  Also, it was a Saturday, but we had the place mostly to ourselves.  Thanks, Benjamin for choosing a great venue for the party!

Of course, being Benjamin, one party was hardly enough.  He also wanted to have some family (particularly his grandparents) over for pizza and more partying.

Just so you don't get the wrong idea and start thinking that we totally spoiled him, I have to mention that we gave him the choice of either a big (i.e. somewhat expensive) party or a big present (we still got him  a couple  of inexpensive presents).  He preferred to party.  He did get some nice presents from his friends and family that he was really excited about.  Also, Benjamin is just a really sweet, thankful kid who appreciates what he gets, so I think it would be difficult to actually spoil him.  And even more than the presents, Benjamin  loved being showered with attention by the people that he loves.  Thank you to everyone who helped Benjamin have such a fabulous 7th birthday!


  1. The reason Jumpin' Jacks was so empty on a Saturday is that the BYU - AFA game happened at the same time. So that means I attended a fun birthday party, had chocolate cake, and missed that awful game. What a trifecta.

  2. Happy birthday Benjamin! Can't believe he's 7! I always think of him as my talkative sunbeam still. Ok, and i have to admit, it would be nice to not have the cake crumbs to worry about. But that's why we do it outside. What's it like to have a child that appreciates the work and money spent on him? lol

  3. I'm so sad we missed it! I think it's the first time since I joined the family..... =( Looks like he had a blast though! Love you!

  4. Jacqueline, we missed you guys! Next year, when he turns 8, hopefully you'll be able to drive up for his baptism.


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