Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Squeezing in more summer

We've been having so much fun that I haven't had time to blog about it all.  So, you get the shortened version of it.  First, we had a fabulous ward camp out, if I do say so myself.  We had about 150 people total who came, and about 50 of them stayed overnight.  It was up Hobble Creek Canyon, which made it close enough for the people who came only for dinner to just head home.  We had sloppy joes from BYU takeout  for dinner, and muffins and fruit for breakfast.  For our program, we had a lot of impromptu skits and songs, with Wayne as our announcer.  Daniel sang "Propel, propel, propel your craft" which is the fancy version of "Row, row, row your boat."  Benjamin told some camping jokes.

 A few days after that, we went to the Wiggly Circus!  Our friend Alyssa won some tickets and couldn't use them, so she gave them to us because she knows Benjamin is a Wiggles fan.  The tickets were amazing seats on the third row, on the floor.  We love music of all kinds, so we all enjoyed it.  For Daniel, it was a very nostalgic experience.  So, thanks again Alyssa for a fun night!  After the concert, we took the kids to Leatherby's for "the best ice cream in the world."

 And finally, this past weekend, we went to Bear Lake!  We stayed with Wayne's brother and his family.  It was a family reunion of sorts with Wayne's parents and some of his siblings.  We went swimming in the lake, made sand castles, collected shells, etc.  On Sunday, we went to church, and we came home after a yummy lunch.  Great party all around.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! WE really need to try Bear Lake in the summer. Winter is not so fun. I'm sorry you had to endure a Wiggles fest. I'd have to pull my ears off just to get through it. LOL


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