Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Ten Years!

This past week we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!

This is us ten years ago.  

And this is us now.
And so to celebrate we went on a fabulous getaway to Park City!  K, so maybe it wasn't all that exotic, but it was nice to have some time to ourselves.  Wayne's parents watched the boys on Friday night, and they all had a great time, too.  We rented a condo (Park City condos are much cheaper in the summer than the winter).  On Saturday, we saw some of the Park City bike racing events that were part of the Tour of Utah.  We also took one of the scenic rides up the ski lift in town and did a little hiking.    


  1. Congratulations! 10 years is a big deal! Hope you come visit us again!

  2. Congrats! We just hit 15 years yesterday. Park city is usually where we go for our anniversaries too. THis year we took the kids with us (not out of choice:) Sounds like you guys had fun.

  3. Park City has such a cool, laid back atmosphere. After just a few hours in town, I couldn't remember what life was like before Park City, and I couldn't even imagine having a job. I didn't even mind spending a fortune on dinner - Park City does that to ya too :-) Oh well, 10 year anniversaries only come around once a decade.


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